Wednesday 30 September 2015

Christening dress

It's been a while...
A lot of traveling, a lot of sewing, drawing and designing. Our baby just got baptized in Portugal, and I wanted to make sure that the dress would look exactly the way i imagined it would be. The beautiful lace is called "renda de bilros" - typical lace from Vila do Conde - handmade by 5 women of my husband's family.
I guess my son, one day, can be proud of the fact that his traditional dress was entirely made by his family. Grandmother, godmother, aunts, cousin and mother! All putting their effort into a garment that hopefully shall pass on to the babies to come.

Durante esta minha ausência no blog, muito tem acontecido.
Muitas viagens, costuras, provas e desenhos. Todas estas actividades em volta de um evento muito importante, e por nós esperado, o Baptismo do nosso primeiro filho. 
Fiz questão de ser eu a costurar o vestido que desenhei, e de aplicar as típicas rendas de Vila do Conde, que foram feitas pela Avó, Madrinha, Tias e Prima do meu filho. Queria muito começar uma nova tradição, e fazer um novo vestido, que será usado, espero eu, pelos restantes bebés vindouros. 

These are just a few images to show what I've been up to lately.  The dress is done and the party is over, I'll share the final result in a while.
Aqui ficam algumas imagens do 'making of'. Em breve partilho o resultado final.

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